About me

reachable at sarodenitesh.89 at gmail dot com

hi there, I am Nitesh Sarode!

graduated from ASU(2020) and PICT(2017)

generalist Software Engineer with experience in breadth of cutting-edge technologies and continuing to learn more.

experience of working in Distributed Sytems, Data Mining, Cloud Computing, Mobile Computing, Machine Learning and built scalable data intensive applications.

highly passionate about building products {mainly in fintech, healthtech, data and AI} that has the potential to make a dent in the universe.

Preferred Stack: Python, Flask, React, AWS, PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch

feel free to reach out to me if you are building cool products and hiring for software/data engineer, APM roles.

Shopping Assistant for Visually Impaired
Cloud Computing
March - April 2020
Developed an intelligent system which helps visually impaired users to shop items in stores using advanced object detection model.
Processed real-time video stream data optimally to infer results in a fraction of seconds and notify it to the user.
Python, Flask, Google App Engine, Cloud SQL, Cloud Storage
AutoScaling for Object Detection
Cloud Computing
January - March 2020
Developed a system using Raspberry Pi which records video of pre-defined intervals and performs object detection on the cloud instances.
Reduced the wait time of the process and improved the efficiency of resources using the auto-scaling algorithm.
Python, Flask, AWS EC2, S3, SQS
SafeApp - Safe route finder application
Mobile Computing
October - December 2019
Developed an android application that helps users to visualize the crime heat map in the located region.
Developed algorithmic logic to find the safest route from source to destination avoiding crime areas generated using past crime data.
Android, Java, Python, Flask
Person Tracking using Bebop2 drone
Perception in Robotics
January - April 2019
Analyzed faster R-CNN and SSD mobilenet human detection models on images captured from the drone camera.
Developed efficient algorithmic logic that would reduce the response time of drones following the detected person.
Successfully automated the flying track of drones depending on the movements of the person in the frame.
Python, ROS
Geo-Spatial Analysis using GeoSpark
Distributed Database Systems
February - April 2019
Developed a distributed application using multiple AWS EC2 instances using GeoSpark to perform large scale spatial analysis.
Performed GeoSpatial analysis using spatial statistics to identify meaningful spatial hot spots using Apache Spark.
Scala, Apache Spark, AWS EC2, S3
Serendip - A text exploration tool
Data Visualization
October - December 2018
Performed topic modeling on large text corpus to create clusters of topics and associated keywords using LDA gensim model.
Developed user-friendly interactive visualization tool for documents, topics, keywords using Corpus, Text and Rank Views.
Discovered a highly efficient feature to search large documents based on keywords and display meta information effectively.
Python, Flask, AWS EC2, D3.js, Bootstrap
Intrusion Detection System
Machine Learning
January - April 2017
Developed a system that detects intrusions with high accuracy without any signatures or predefined attacks.
Tested and performed various classification algorithms to detect intrusions using probabilistic models for intelligent detection machines.
Achieved accuracy of 94% on the KDD99 network dataset for anomaly detection.
Python, Flask, AngularJS, Wireshark
Software Engineer
Axon, US
August 2020 - Present
Designed and developed batch endpoints using protocol buffers to reduce collective latency of single endpoint calls in golang.
Enhanced admin console features for records management system using node and graphql query resolvers.
Owned development of app switcher component for friction less navigation between axon apps and integrated into records platform within a couple of weeks.
Accelerated development of custom event ids feature to the standards agency reports and demoed to the customer.
Created a python script to add user specific permission for a particular feature that can be modified on the admin level to each agency.
Diagnosed and acted upon production level issues using splunk logs and datadog metrics for microservices across the platform.
Golang, React, Node, GraphQL, gRPC, MySQL, Kubernetes
Research Assistant
Cognitive Information Processing System Lab, ASU
Jan 2019 - July 2020
Projects: Looking Glass (Georgia) | CleverRX | Twitter bots
Designed and developed REST APIs for processing and filtering user queries on analysed social media data.
Developed React application with chart.js for visualizing keywords, topics, social media activities of historic mined data of organic users.
Designed and developed REST APIs with ElasticSearch for filtering and searching posts in processed data.
Increased semi-supervised topic modeling accuracy from 84% to 96% with minimal domain knowledge on Facebook posts.
Collected millions of tweets by bot accounts from twitter and implemented a hashtag based topic detection model on these historical set of tweets to determine enduring and spiking topics.
Python, Flask, React, Java, ElasticSearch, PostgreSQL, AWS
Software Engineer
miniOrange Security Software, Pune
June 2017 - November 2017
Published SAML and OAuth SSO security plugins for Atlassian Jira which increased the number of clients significantly for the product.
Contributed and developed features for Identity and Access Management product of miniOrange, which increased product usability.
Contributed to Social Login and Two Factor Authentication Wordpress plugins of miniOrange.
Java, PHP, PostgreSQL

Developed an Alexa skills application and secured a runner up position in the InfernoHack challenge.

Certified Machine Learning Course by Stanford University on Coursera. (Certificate)

Developed and published an android board game application that currently has 100+ downloads on Google Play Store. (MassiveXO)

Master of Computer Science
Arizona State University
Tempe, US, August 2018 - May 2020
  • Fundamentals of Statistical Learning
  • Data {Mining, Visualization}
  • Statistical Machine Learning
  • Distributed Database Systems
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • {Cloud, Mobile} Computing
Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology
Pune Institute of Computer Technology
Pune, India, July 2013 - June 2017
  • Fundamentals of Data Structures
  • Operating Systems
  • Computer Networks
  • Problem Solving
  • Computer Organization